

Business financials advice, reports, and trends for professional home builders and remodelers.

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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Finance: The Contractor’s Formula to Success for Good Times and Bad

Overhead cost increases during economic growth spurts should be treated as temporary

Contractor Coach Advises Against Xactimate Insurance Claim Estimates

The insurance claim software Xactimate has not updated its algorithms to match the escalated material and labor prices, argues contractor business…

Sales: Being the Best Is Better Than Being the Cheapest

According to Entrepreneur.com contributor Mike Templeman, business founders often end up pricing their product toward the bottom end of a range to be…

Money: How to Grow Your Remodeling Business Past $1 Million a Year

Planning your business’s growth is like planning for a remodeling project

Economy: Home Remodeling Growth Decelerates in 2015, Harvard Study Reveals

Analysts attribute the projected deflation to weakening home sales last year.

Money: Do ASAP – 6 Smart Tax Moves

There’s still time to squeeze in some tax perks for your business before 2015 hits.

Financial: What is the Proper Rate of Growth?

“If a business is not growing it is dying,” says Mark Richardson. 

​Legal: When Does a Commute Count as Overtime?

There are a few situations when an employee’s commute may be eligible for overtime pay.
