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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


When Is It a Mistake to Fix a Mistake?

Repairing construction defects can be risky unless you take some precautions

Are You Committing Worker's Comp Fraud?

Worker's compensation insurance is an expensive cost of doing business and most contractors are always looking for ways to reduce that financial burden

Liability Legalese

Most contractors just accept hold harmless, indemnification, and duty to defend clauses in their contracts and hope for the best. But these…

Costly Business Mistakes to Avoid

Mark Richardson's list of the 10 most-common mistakes made in remodeling businesses. Avoid them, and your odds for success go way up.

Should You Offer a Lifetime Warranty?

Have you ever considered offering a lifetime warranty? It’s not as crazy as it sounds. In fact, if you do it right, it’s a revenue generator

'Tis the Season for Home Improvement

Holidays present some unique opportunities for marketing, managing, selling, or just giving back

Create a System to Ensure a Profit

If you run your business with profit as an afterthought, it's time to make a change. 

iPad as Portable, Powerful Tool for Remodelers

For this New York–state remodeler, iPads pave the way for greater efficiency and better communication

End Game: When to Walk?

Even with a succession plan in place, it’s difficult for owners to step away from their business

Your Cheating Heart—How to Build Better Relationships With Your Suppliers

Controls at the front and back end will ensure that you’re paying what you should for building materials
