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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Special Section: Catastrophic cases

Contractors share how they navigated their business and clients through the most extreme weather events of the past few years.

Special Section: David Lupberger examines disaster mitigation and remodeling

Jon Vogel, president of the New Outlooks Construction Group Inc., in Robbinsville N.J., experienced the effects of Hurricane Sandy firsthand when he and his partner Anthony Cammallere of T&K Contractors, Freehold, N.J., lost their shore-based showroom to flooding.

Labor Days: The Labor Crunch and the Hispanic Diaspora

  Three stories jolted me in quick succession last week.   A close friend who leads a residential home building firm in Chicago responded glumly when…

Special Section: Big-storm insurance restoration, how the pros do it

Property restoration after a weather event can be a catastrophe for your company?or a revenue windfall.

Michael E. Gerber: When it gets steamy on the homefront

Thinking strategically becomes warped by thinking of everything you?ve got to get done.

Malcolm Gladwell vs. Bradley Hartmann: Is expertise overrated?

  In his 2008 book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea of the 10,000-Hour Rule. That is, the essential component in developing expertise…

Alone in the backfield: 4 ways to prepare for “GameSpeed”

  We were winning by several touchdowns when I got the nod. “Just hand the ball off, stay in bounds, & keep the clock running...”  Those were my…

Mark Richardson: Are you a thoroughbred or a donkey?

People are not only your most important asset in your business, but they are also the most complex and complicated creatures.

2 big lessons from Big Tuna’s (Bill Parcells) Hall of Fame speech

  Sometimes numbers alone can tell the story of an organization’s leadership.    Here is the Win/Loss record for the NY Giants:           1964: 2-10-…

Eye-droppers vs. Buckets: Choose wisely

  I’ve recently begun working with Dan. He’s been around the proverbial block. He’s smart, funny & connected.    Up until last week, our…
