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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


4 tips for the coming labor crunch

A CNN Money article this week elaborated on what many construction firms already know: good labor is now hard to find.  Some find this news…

NKBA elects 2013 executive board

The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) announced the election of its 2013 executive board, which will preside over the trade group’s 50th anniversary this year.

The power of saying "No"

To a remodeling contractor, saying “no” to a potential client could possibly be the best decision you make for your company.

How to use information to become indispensable

This thing will change your life.   It may appear to be another timemarking commodity.  It’s not.   This clock not only gathers relevant and timely…

Socialize this

There’s a new business buzzword spreading like Strep Throat. I’m betting it’s still in the early adoption phase, but these viral epidemics (pandemics…

Visualizing your future

This pottery is the future. OK, not the pottery itself.  What the pottery represents… is the future.   Our future.      This ceramic artwork…

The home improvement industry 2013

Examining the good, the bad, and the ugly

Positioning your business for 2013

17 industry leaders share their secrets on the challenges and opportunities they expect to face in 2013. Also, they reveal how they are positioning their business for growth.

Are you fit to grow?

Following up on the success of the best-selling book “How Fit is Your Business,” is your business “Fit to Grow”

It's 2013, what do you expect?

As we closed the books on 2012, many readers reported to Professional Remodeler that business has been picking up steam, according to a survey conducted in late 2012
