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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


A New Approach to Achieving Your 2022 Goals

Use this 30-day plan mindset for a more accurate and predictable 2022.

Looking Ahead: Preparing for the Worst

There will be a downturn again. Will it be in 2022?

Why We Hired an In-House Estimator

Bringing an estimator into your remodeling company creates sweeping benefits.

A Merger and Acquisition Approach to Remodeling

Marc Black and Zak Fleming say their unique business model serves as a hiring and growth strategy. And it seems to be working for them.

How To Make Meetings the Right Length

Use these examples to learn better time management in meetings.

What Profit Margin Should Specialty Contractors Aim For?

The problem with hoping to break even with a meager profit percentage is that it sets precedence. There’s no goal in mind, so there will be no goal to drive a team toward.

5 Expert Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your CRM

Using a customer relationship management (CRM) product can help streamline communications and marketing, but it's important to know a few marketing…


For remodelers who are feeling the negative side of being busy, here are some tips on how to get more control over your day.

Make Appointments with Yourself

Look at how you are spending your time and make adjustments

Tech Talk: 20 Questions on Interpreting P&L Reports and More

Tundraland CEO Brian Gottlieb nerds out on Tech Talk
