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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Subtle Problem, Big Impact: It's All About How You Sell

Technically, this remodeling company did nothing wrong, but I would never hire them

Housing: Housing Market Recovers by 75 Percent, Trulia Finds

But making it the rest of the way back will depend on millenial employment, loosening credit rules, and increased saving

Create a Reliable Recipe for Sales Success

An effective 'recipe' for sales must be repeatable in different circumstances, yet still achieve a consistent result

Survey: Remodelers, Prepare for More Work in 2015

Angie’s List surveyed more than 1,000 service providers, and found that home improvement contractors are optimistic about business in 2015.   The…

Economy: Home Remodeling Growth Decelerates in 2015, Harvard Study Reveals

Analysts attribute the projected deflation to weakening home sales last year.

Digital Marketing: A Useful Checklist to Ensure Your Blog Is SEO-Ready

Make sure your online presence doesn’t remain dormant in the depths of the Internet abyss by making each post SEO-ready.   Not sure exactly how to do…

Housing: Joint Center Hosts Webcast on Emerging Trends in the Remodeling Market

Join the live webcast release of the “2015 Improving America’s Housing Report: Emerging Trends in the Remodeling Market” on Thursday, January 29 at…

Housing: Existing-Home Sales Lose Momentum in November

Total existing home sales fell 6.1 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.93 million in November from 5.25 million in October. 

Controlling the Sale in Today's Market

The remodeling sales environment is changing. To succeed in sales in this new landscape, you need to become more masterful at controlling the sale
