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Air Quality Meter Market to Go Gangbusters

Business Tools & Software

Air Quality Meter Market to Go Gangbusters

By By James F. McClister December 21, 2017
Clean air quality meter market remodeling
This article first appeared in the December 2017 issue of Pro Remodeler.

In this month’s Industry Insider, Panasonic’s Jim Shelton tackles indoor air quality, touting the importance of improving it as well as giving some invaluable tips for how remodelers can go about doing that. Maybe it’s coincidence, or maybe its prophetic, but while Shelton was working up his piece, Research and Markets released a comprehensive, global forecast that shows a future swell in the purchase of indoor air quality meters.

From 2017 to 2021, the report projects the indoor-air-quality-meter market to grow at a compounded annual rate of 7.56 percent. 

But the report should come as no surprise, as the world is already deep in the throes of a smart home revolution. Forecasts show that the  already $24 billion smart home market is set to grow drastically, ballooning to over $53 billion by 2022.

According to researchers, residential contractors will play a big role in the air quality meter market, as they already do in the smart home market. 

“The awareness regarding indoor air pollution is very limited,” the report reads. “[The] majority of people lack the basic knowledge regarding factors that influence the quality of indoor air.” 

Remodelers are well positioned to be the unofficial harbingers of the technology, giving them an additional opportunity to showcase their industry knowledge and keep their clients ahead of the smart home tech curve.

written by

James F. McClister

James McClister is managing editor for Professional Remodeler.

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