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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Good to Grow

Growth in volume measures growth in transactions, but no one goes into business just to maximize transactions 

Raising Your Bar

Many remodelers underbid their projects. Here’s how to remedy that. 

Paint by Numbers

To price a painting by the square foot reduces an act of imagination and skill to paint-by-numbers. Take-it-or-leave-it pricing does the same for remodeling.

Top Florida Remodeler Acquires Top Texas Remodeler

Florida Home Improvement Associates chooses Texas remodeler Statewide Remodeling to start its national expansion

The Truth About Transparency

And 5 tips for embracing it in your own remodeling business

Men Spend More, Women Spend More Regularly

And two other interesting remodeling facts from HomeAdvisor’s latest report

Shape Affects Cost

Unit pricing is an invaluable tool for fast, accurate estimating. But counting units is not the same as estimating. Make sure your estimator knows the difference.

Smart Contract

The contract of the future could be a blockchain-verified digital document with embedded, executable code 

Death by Discount

A 5% discount couldn’t hurt that much, could it?

Going Clear

How becoming transparent has freed our company and increased close rates 
