
The new code in town

Oct. 1, 2001
The family of international building codes released by the International Code Council last year has turned out to be pretty popular. According to Roy Fewell, vice president of governmental affairs for the International Conference of Building Officials, this has been the "most rapid adoption" process for new codes he has seen in his 18 years with ICBO.

To date, 25 states and more than 1,500 jurisdictions have adopted one or more of the codes, which include the International Building Code, the International Electrical Code, the International Energy Conservation Code, the International Fire Code, the International Fuel Gas Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Plumbing Code, the International Private Sewage Disposal Code, the International Property Maintenance Code, the International Zoning Code and the International Residential Code.

The ICC plans to publish the International Existing Building Code, which will bring together in one publication the codes concerning existing buildings.

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