
Safety: Is 'Distracted Walking' Coming to the Jobsite?

May 28, 2015

Among the 2013 statistics on accidental injury and death recently released by the National Safety Council are more than 11,000 cases of people injured while walking and talking on their mobile phones.

Nearly 80 percent were injured in falls, and about 9 percent collided with an object, suffering everything from dislocations to broken bones to concussions, according to an article in The Washington Post. And the data show that 21 percent of all traffic accidents are caused by cell phone use while driving, whether talking or texting.

Given that just about every carpenter, helper, or laborer on a remodeling project has a cell phone, and many of them also pick up materials while traveling to and from the jobsite and are therefore officially on company time, it seems inevitable that this trend in cell phone-related accidents will extend to the jobsite. If you've been looking for an excuse to curb on-the-job cell phone use, this may be all the justification you need.

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