
Management: The Contractor’s Six-Month Business Checkup

June 29, 2015

According to construction business coach Mark Paskell, every six months is a good point to set goals and look back at your progress and consider where there is room for improvement.

“Will your Construction Business reach the projections you predicted in December of 2014?" Paskell writes. "If you are on track or above great job! If you are behind or not sure ask yourself why and then dig into the details and recommit to setting and reaching your goals in the next 6 months.”

Paskel notes that, with the economy getting in better shape and the remedeling market heating up, it's time consider the relationship between supply and demand.

“The prevailing thought is when demand heats up we should raise our prices,” he adds. “The challenge we see with many construction business owners is how much is fair and how much will the market bear?”

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