
Al Fresco Attraction—Design Awards 2015 Platinum, Outdoor Living Over $100,000

Sept. 17, 2015
2 min read

Outdoor Living Over $100,000
CBI Design Professionals with Thomas Sebold & Associates, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Project goals: The clients wanted a series of outdoor spaces that could be used for everything from family gatherings to charity events.

Solutions: Working around the existing centralized pool, the remodeler added a new outdoor kitchen with a custom stainless steel refrigerator and cabinets that completely seal when closed, so the kitchen can be kept fully stocked at all times.

The existing pool cabana was renovated to create a comfortable sitting area with TV viewing beside the hot tub and pool, as well as a new bathroom, laundry room, and changing area. The remodeler also created a new garden on the basement roof, utilizing green-roof techniques and decorative potting.

Solid slabs of granite provide a countertop that can stand up to the environment. The same granite and stainless steel is used around the grill’s cooking area so that the home’s natural limestone won’t stain.

A custom lower table creates a unique seating/serving area alongside the elevated counter, while a covered eating area next to the outdoor kitchen and adjacent to the main house allows natural light in with “solar cool” tinted glass. Cable lighting strung along the glass gives it an appealing nighttime ambiance.

What the judges said: “A great demonstration of extending indoor living to the outside. The warm blend of finishes really brings this outdoor space to life."

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