“In rural markets,” Stow notes, “TV is less expensive. It’s about 50% of our marketing budget, and we’ve also devoted a lot of time, money and effort to digital lead generation.” From the moment a prospective customer requests a brochure or information, they’re guided through the building cycle with a series of customized emails and texts, and can opt in or out at any time. They’re first attracted via pay-per-click, search engine optimization and search engine marketing. They’re also attracted by recommendations from other customers. “Every year we get more and more,” Stow says. “About 25-30% of our business comes from referrals, which is much less expensive than paying for lead generation.” One reason customers refer friends is because of speedy service. “In the design-build world, you couldn’t complete a same-price bath in two weeks because you have to bring in each individual trade. We used to tell our people they’d be hated by the customer after two weeks, but using Re-Bath products and our factory-trained installers, we can get it done in an average of two to five days.” While Re-Bath offers a variety of styles, they’re all installed using the same method so “you don’t have a plumber learning a new system on every project,” says Stow. “You get a lot of velocity with this product line and process; you do a lot more baths in the same period of time. Customers love that you're not in their home more than two days. We get more revenue, our people make more money, and our customers are happy.”