Director of Sales Operations
Reborn Cabinets
Anaheim, Calif.
On managing a diverse team: [Previously being the call center manager] did definitely teach me that it’s my job to switch how I manage different personality types. There’s so many different kinds of people, right? How I manage this individual versus that one is my responsibility. It’s not their responsibility to adapt to mine. Get to know your team. Don’t just think of them as a number. Because if you work hard for them, they’ll work hard for you.
On adjusting a team to new processes: If they’re asking, “Why are we doing things this way?” I was able to say, “Well, you know, John, who has been an successful sales rep for the past so and so years, he’s doing it like this, and this is why.” And so that was trying to help them see the benefits of what will happen if they continue to do it this way. Putting it in front of their faces quite frequently with reports to show them the progress, because if not, it’s just, “You just want me to follow rules.”