
How Do I Measure Up?

Industry advisor Mark Richardson reveals the net profit of leading design build remodelers
March 1, 2025
2 min read

The three most common questions I get from remodelers who are trying to gain insights and make sense out of things are:

  1. What are you seeing out there?
  2. What are others doing?
  3. How do I measure up?

While there are many ways to compare companies and performance to others , one simple metric is to compare is annual Net Profit (the term “net profit” can be looked at in different ways. The figures below would be NP before any owner/leadership distributions.)

The Sampling

These represent 50 design build/full service firms in business for more than ten years. Total 2024 sales ranged from $3 million to $50 million.

I also surveyed home improvement businesses, and the results were very similar, but the sampling was only 23 companies.

What to Make of This 

  1. If you are not making over 5% , you are in the bottom 16%.
  2. Above 10% is very achievable but you have to have your act together.
  3. The companies at the top have been making marketing a priority.
  4. The top 40% are committed to training.
  5. The top 25% don’t see slippage in gross profit during production.
  6. Leadership alignment is high with the most profitable.
  7. Higher net is a product of what you do, not what you plan or hope for.

Unlike some industries , the remodeling business is less dependent on the market conditions than you think….It is a “make it happen business!”

About the Author

Mark Richardson

Mark Richardson, CR, is a speaker and business growth strategist. He authored the best-selling books How Fit Is Your Business?, Fit to Grow, and The Art of Time Mastery. He also hosts the podcast Remodeling Mastery. He can be reached at or 301.275.0208.

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