
QE-2: The implimentation

QE-2 Qualitative Easing implemented and explained. These are the best definitions of Quantitative Easing. This is Clearly written by some smart people and worth the 6 minutes of your time, and a Great use of smart humour to explain complexity. Did you know that Goldman Sachs can front run the Fed? http://thebankwatch.com/2010/11/18/so-you-mean-the-goldman-sachs-can-front-run-the-fed-qe-explained/
Nov. 21, 2010

QE-2 Qualitative Easing implemented and explained. These are the best definitions of Quantitative Easing.  This is Clearly written by some smart people and worth the 6 minutes of your time, and a Great use of smart humour to explain complexity. Did you know that Goldman Sachs can front run the Fed?



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