
How to Address Client Fears Amid Economic Shifts

June 30, 2022


Industry advisor and Remodeling Mastery host Mark Richardson says the industry has entered a softening amid rising prices, inflation, and economic fears. Correctly educating and addressing client fears is more important now than ever.

"You have to get better at, 'How do I vaporize the fear? How can I be more of a therapist or marriage counselor or tour guide to help them navigate through some of the anxieties and fears they naturally have?'" says Richardson.

Fears of the unknown, mistakes, and cost overruns are three examples of common client concerns. These fears, overlaid with economic shifts, have caused more clients to hit the brakes on projects. Those affects may appear months down the line, so focus more on the depth of trust with clients, suggests Richardson.

Listen to hear how to strengthen your client relationships and address client fears today.


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About the Author

Mark Richardson

Mark Richardson, CR, is a speaker and business growth strategist. He authored the best-selling books How Fit Is Your Business?, Fit to Grow, and The Art of Time Mastery. He also hosts the podcast Remodeling Mastery. He can be reached at mrichardson@mgrichardson.com or 301.275.0208.

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