The materials that compose the construction of a home are not immutable. The composition changes.Before the 1950s, you couldn’t find a single PVC product in a home. They didn’...
Anna KarpCo-founder, CEOBolsterNew York CityWe used to have a dedicated recruiter for hiring, but once the pandemic hit New York City, we were looking for ways to cut our operating...
Michelle Lamb, now the owner of Better Home Texas, spent years at her former company. She was next in line to take over, and the president was stepping down. The president called...
The 2021 New American Remodel is a one-of-a-kind example of contemporary architecture. But despite its unique look, it offers lessons that any remodeler or designer can use...
Not only is the Model ReModel a 1950s-era Mossman-Gladden home, likely Albuquerque, N.M.’s most iconic and well-known builder, but it’s also the homeowner’s childhood home. The...
2021 is almost upon us. Any business trying to grow, or even stay with the curve at this point, should be offering payment options that don’t break the company’s bank. Since...
I started Criner Remodeling in 1977, and today we have about a dozen employees, including my son Paul. Our 2019 revenue was close to $2 million, which is pretty typical for us...
Back in March of 2020, most people thought COVID-19 would be a distant memory by now. Today, many are using the phrase “the new normal” to describe the way we live today. The ...