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Make the easy choice.

Learn why so many Wells Fargo Retail Services merchants say they’re easy to do business with.

October 8, 2024
Three people sit at a table reviewing documents; two face the camera and smile while the third has his back to the viewer.
Wells Fargo provides dedicated, hands-on service focused on your business.

Anyone who’s been in the home improvement business long enough knows that it isn’t always easy. From supply chain problems to weather delays to indecisive homeowners, each project can come with its own unique set of complications. But is it possible to take customer financing off that list of hassles? Merchants that choose Wells Fargo for their customer financing needs seem to think so. In fact, 92% of Wells Fargo Retail Services merchants agree that they’re easy to do business with.*  

We talked to some of those merchants to find out why. And although their businesses represent a broad spectrum of the home improvement industry (everything from HVAC to closet organization) from across the United States, several common themes emerged.

A man in a plaid shirt smiles while holding his laptop in one hand and looking at his phone in the other.

The personal touch.

The difference between a good day and a bad one sometimes comes down to the person who picks up the phone when you call. Again and again, the merchants we spoke to emphasized just how much they value the fact that Wells Fargo provides them with a dedicated relationship representative who’s committed to helping their business succeed.

  • “I really appreciate our representative's engagement with us — if there are any questions we have or any creative solutions we need, they give it to us.” (Mike Burwell, owner, Budget Blinds, Greater Colorado Springs, Colorado)
  • “With our previous financing company, we didn’t have a dedicated account representative — or if we did, we never heard from them. With Wells Fargo, any time we have a question — whether it’s here in the office or out in the field — we’re always able to reach our representative.” (Jesse Kreisman, vice president, ALCO Products Company, Washington D.C.)
  • “I can't speak highly enough of our Wells Fargo representative. He is phenomenal to work with — direct, responsive, knowledgeable, and so pleasant. He is always able to get us assistance very quickly and continually offers ideas and tips to help us support our team and expand our opportunities.” (J.B. Braun, regional sales manager, Closets by Design, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

A name customers trust.

In an increasingly crowded field of financing options, merchants want a provider who’s been there and done that — and their customers want a name they know and trust. With over 60 years’ experience in customer financing, successful relationships with thousands of businesses, and the backing of an industry-leading financial services provider, Wells Fargo Retail Services has the credibility and name recognition that merchants expect — and customers demand.

  • “I think the name recognition really helps build that trust factor with the customer, especially when you’re dealing with financing and customers have to enter personal information. I think there’s a comfort level there.” (Leo Correa, owner, Tailored Living, Danbury, Connecticut)
  • “Name recognition means a lot, particularly in our business. We’ve been around a long time, and we've been with Wells Fargo forever. It’s not some unknown company where people think, whoa, I’ve never heard of that!” (Steve Cikach, owner, USA Insulation, Ohio)
  • “Our partnership with Wells Fargo has given our customers a trusted and respected financing alternative.” (Maxwell Ohnezeit, corporate sales manager, Cutting Edge Countertops, Ohio)

A smiling man shakes hands with a person who is mostly out of the frame while a third person looks on, also smiling.

Innovative technology.

The real test, though, is when it’s time for the customer to fill out a credit application. With some providers, this could be the moment you dread — but for the merchants we talked to, it was no big deal thanks to Wells Fargo’s suite of powerful, easy-to-use online tools.

  • “The application process is streamlined, particularly with the scan-to-apply QR code and the application link that I can email to homeowners. You just send them that information and they do the sign-up process.” (Jeremiah Jones, owner, Bridgewood Exteriors, Dallas, Texas)
  • “We are a military town, so these families are all over the world. I'm able to send the digital proposals with the financing to anywhere on the globe, and within 5 to 10 minutes, the financing is complete.” (Eddie Simmons, residential sales manager, Bass Air Conditioning, Fayetteville, North Carolina)
  • “With Wells Fargo Credit Connect, it’s so seamless. It’s nice to have the option to take the application in the home and get the customer approved — and Wells Fargo can email it all to them, so there’s no paperwork.” (Adam Jardak, owner, Kent Mohler Exteriors, Kansas City, Missouri)
  • “It’s very simple and easy for customers to apply. It’s also easy for them to use the remote application links and the QR code — they like those features because they can see if they’re approved right on the spot.” (Pat Adirim, finance manager, California Deluxe Windows, Chatsworth, California)
  • “Wells Fargo simplifies everything for us from application to funding. Everything can be done online, which makes it really fast — and time is money in this business!” (Kim Giese, office manager, Shumate Air Conditioning & Heating, Atlanta, Georgia)

Ready to find out how easy customer financing can be?

Wells Fargo Retail Services

*Percentage of participants who indicated “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” with the statement “Wells Fargo Retail Services (WFRS) is easy to do business with” when surveyed by Ipsos on behalf of Wells Fargo, March 27 – April 22, 2024. Sample included 263 WFRS merchant customers within the home improvement, home furnishings / appliances / electronics, outdoor living, and jewelry industries who are decision makers or users of WFRS consumer financing programs.