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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Shockwave Jam

Autonomous vehicles are already on our roads, but your company will never run itself

Who Will Fire You?

For company owners who control the process, getting fired means freedom. Here are five tips to think about when preparing for that day.

Tear Down Your Process

... to build up your company. But what’s needed for a successful tear-down meeting?

Are Early Payment Discounts Worth It?

You bet they are. In fact, you can borrow to pay in time to get the discount and still come out ahead.

A Vital Role

The fight against opioids and where remodelers fit into it

The Diderot Effect

You probably get work from past customers and referrals without really trying. Imagine what might happen if you leaned into it.

A Singular Flavor

There’s a lack of respect that older generations have for this younger one

Preparing for a Softer Market

Some remodelers are having a good year, but there are storm clouds on the horizon

Is Your Company Leaking Money?

Why taking a second look at your insurance audit is worth the effort

Good to Grow

Growth in volume measures growth in transactions, but no one goes into business just to maximize transactions 
