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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Success Habit: Know Your Numbers

When making decisions, it's important to balance gut feelings with facts and figures

Being on Time, and Why It Matters

Success habits like being on time don't require skill or practice, they just need the right mindset

Pro's Pick: CoConstruct

CoConstruct does a lot of things, California remodeler Paul Paniagua has found, the most impressive of which is helping him run his business

Roofing Contractor Seeking Intern

Creating a successful internship program for your company is all about creating a process, including managing it

Passing the Baton: ESOPs as an Exit Strategy

Converting a company to an employee-owned business can be a great retirement option. Here are three examples of how it works.

Ready for a Recession?

Some economists suggest the U.S. is overdue for a downturn. Here are key steps to take to prepare your company in case they’re right.  

Measuring Up

The trend toward more frequent, more subjective employee appraisals begs the question: What should you be measuring?

California Tightens Workers’ Comp Laws

New law amends existing rules

Labor Shortage of a Different Kind

Technology is a tool, but let's not forget that it's just that

Subs in the Mix

You’re using guys you know but they’re not on your payroll. Does that matter to your homeowner customer? 
