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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Getting the Right Business Advice

The right advice is important to success. Be deliberate in where and how you find it.

Time Is of the Essence Provision in Construction Contracts

Timing is everything—especially with a "time is of the essence" provision

Ear to the Ground

With a rapidly changing market, such as we have now, you need to be alert to any changes, so you can maintain a nimble, evolving business

Fuzzy Feedback: Award Recognizes Employee Efforts

At Mosby Building Arts, in St. Louis, managers use a company award—and polar bear totem—to reinforce the good stuff

Donkeys and Thoroughbreds

When applied to employee personalities and skills, any organization needs the right blend of both types

Time for Change

While it isn't always possible to predict exactly how things will change, it is important to make the inevitability of change an integral part of your business strategy  

Fixed-Price Contract Essentials for Remodelers

To avoid misunderstandings, include these basics in your contracts

Work for $1,000 an Hour

Here’s a quick, easy system to see if you’re delegating the right tasks

Documentation and Contracts: Keep It Clear and Simple

Three essentials to ensure clear, factual, and detailed paperwork for remodeling projects

How to Sleep Well at Tax Time

Dos and don’ts in preparing a tax filing for your company
