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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Unpaid Invoices: Net Never?

The best way to manage unpaid invoices is not to incur them to begin with. But that's far easier said than done.

Productivity: How to Make Time Your Friend, Not Enemy

Be thankful when you feel squeezed for time – consider the opposite scenario

Management: 5 Leadership Lessons from the NBA Champion Golden State Warriors

You don't have to be a Golden State Warriors fan to learn from their NBA championship run. Entrepreneur contributor Justin Bariso collects a series…

Is Franchising for You?

Franchising in home renovation is set to grow. The key: creating systems that can be duplicated anywhere. We take a look at what this business model has to offer

Raise Your Predictability IQ

One element that separates great businesses from the merely good ones is the ability to make accurate predictions

A Sample-Pack of Apps for Remodelers

We talked with remodelers about the apps they use and how they use them, then we took the apps for a test drive to see how the right app could make your business life a bit easier.

Management: Putting in the Work

What does working hard in the construction industry mean?

Management: Is Your Remodeling Business at Risk of Becoming Mediocre?

Remodeling business coach Shawn McCadden offers tips on how to make your business shine and excel

Don’t Leave Your Plans and Proposals Behind

Your plans and specifications may not contain the level of detail another contractor would need to build from them, Shawn McCadden writes

Paper Trail Out, Digital In as Next Generation Reshapes Home Improvement Companies

Open-mindedness, training, and commitment are keys to successful generational transfer
