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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Management: Tips to Sell Your Contracting Business One Day

It’s never too early to plan for the future sale of your business

Productivity: Caffeine is the Silent Killer of Success

Having a daily cup of joe may be helpful for some parts of a remodeler’s job, but it is hurting your performance far more than it’s helping it. Inc.…

Management: 4 Unique Challenges of Sole Proprietorship

While being a “solopreneur” has its perks, such as having no boss to answer to, flying solo is no picnic either. Business News Daily shares four…

Productivity: How to Make a New Habit Stick

Heard that popular saying about how breaking in a new habit needs 21 days? Well, it’s a myth with no scientific basis, motivational speaker Michael…

Legal: Can General Contractors Make Subcontractors Pay for OSHA Violations?

According to construction Attorney Craig Martin, indemnity provisions in contracts can help general contractors avoid OSHA violation fines for…

Productivity: 5 Tips for Getting the Most Important Things Done Every Day

Founder and CEO of the Coach’s Zone, Chris Ruisi, shares his secret to getting things done without having to make a floor-length to-do list. “Maybe…

8 Secrets of Success in 3 Minutes

Seven years and 500 interviews in three minutes

Got the Business Planning Blues?

We’ve all heard the adage, “If you fail to plan, plan to fail.” It’s catchy, but is it true? If it were true, nine out of 10 remodeling businesses…

Got the Business Planning Blues? It's Time to Sing a New Song

Not having a business plan doesn’t mean you’re failing. But it could mean that you aren’t being as successful as you could be.

Management: Business Skills the Kitchen Can Teach You

Kitchens are wonderful places to be creative, to help the kids with homework, or to unwind with family and friends. But there is also a lot you can…
