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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Creating a New Cooperative: Preferred Partnerships

You have an opportunity to formalize key relationships with your trade contractors and suppliers. Reach out to past clients and ask them if they would like access to your professional referral group.

What is Head Trash?

We all go about our day, unconsciously avoiding things that are unpleasant to us. Sometimes those things we are avoiding might be what would make…

Positioning YOU for the Future

While the future may be a little unpredictable, most remodelers believe there will be a future. While we will see ups and downs in our business and…

Open Your Mind to Sell More Business

The home improvement/remodeling business is front-end loaded with perceptions of why consumers buy or don’t buy. Issues such as the economy, the…

Getting Value for the Business you Created

One of the biggest issues remodelers face is how to value and sell their business. Initial response—it’s not easy. Secondary response—it can be done…

Craig Durosko: Part IV: 25 Ways You Can Lose Money in Remodeling

8 more learned lessons to wrap up this four-part article on ways you can lose money in remodeling.

Craig Durosko: Part III: 25 Ways You Can Lose Money in Remodeling

Here are five more lessons I’ve learned from my 26 years in the remodeling business.

PRIME: Changing your Workweek

Is there anything you would like to change about your workweek?
