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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


David Lupberger: Creating a new cooperative: preferred partnerships

You have an opportunity to formalize key relationships with your trade contractors and suppliers. Reach out to past clients and ask them if they would like access to your professional referral group.

PRIME: When to give up on a “big idea”

This month we asked, “when do you determine to give up on a ‘big idea’ and move on to the next idea?”

Mark Richardson: Are You Fit to Lead?

The following are some simple leadership attributes and skills I believe separate average leaders from great ones. As you reflect on each of these, try to think how you might improve in each criteria as well.

Mark Richardson: Positioning YOU for the future

Your business is a vehicle for your growth and passages. It is a platform for others to create their own future.

PRIME: Optimal number of direct reports

“What is the ideal number of direct reports (to you) and why?”

PRIME: What has been your best idea?

This month we asked our panel, “What is the best idea you had recently for your company?”

PRIME: Measuring sales performance

What have you found is the best criteria to measure the performance of a salesperson?

Mark Richardson: Leveraging your assets

The real question is, “Are you leveraging your assets to get the best return to differentiate your business?”

Mark Richardson: What is your end game?

The answer at least partially lies in the nature of our industry and your business.

Craig Durosko: Three words that can save you time

The next time someone asks something from you, remember take a pause, and with the right tone, in your own words, with the right timing, ask: if, what, and when.
