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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Rosetta Stone, relevance, and retention

  Living in a small sliver of the language pie Rosetta Stone enlarged, we owe a debt of gratitude to the public company. Rosetta has been shelling…

“We’ve done this a lot. You...as a group…are stupid.”

    Last week I went to the Chicago filming of “America’s Got Talent”, the NBC show that accepts all comers who don’t make it on American Idol, X…

The “knowledge worker” rant

I despise the term Knowledge Worker. Why? Let’s start with the definition of Knowledge Worker and you can judge for yourself. Knowledge workers are…

Be like Mat: Go big

  Comas :: 2 Broken bones :: 21 Surgeries :: 23 Concussions :: 100+ Stitches :: 300+   You don’t become the greatest vertical ramp BMX rider in…

NARI elects new officers for 2013, 2014

The National Association of the Remodeling Industry named immediate past president Dean Herriges as its chairman of the board and elevated Art Donnelly to the office of president.

Text Mex: Meet ‘em where they are

Would you ever use Twitter to announce your family dinner is being served? Ridiculous question, right?   Wait. Hold that answer….   The question was…

Echoes fuel remodeling resurgence

The Echo Boomers are predicted to outnumber Baby Boomers by more than 12 million as they enter their peak remodeling years over the next decade.

Confessions of a bilingual construction guy

His candor surprised me. I’ve never had anyone actually admit it. But there it was. In digital ink on the email in my Inbox.   The question that…

“I see dead people” + 3 other common sensibilities

M. Night Shyamalan, the director of The 6th Sense, was opposed to including what has become one of the most memorable movie lines of all-time “I see…

Micro-fluency: Sí se puede!

Working at my second office yesterday (Starbucks), two latino twenty-somethings and their language choices caught my attention.   They were jumping…
