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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Gordon Gekko and the information imperative.

  Yesterday we revisited the information-gathering tactics of The Master of the Senate - Lyndon B. Johnson.       But when it comes to the most…

What LBJ can teach you about the most valuable commodity.

  Early in Lyndon Johnson’s senate career, he lobbied for the title of Senate Majority Whip. The more seasoned senators chuckled.         Senate…

Do you have Cool Hand Luke Syndrome?

Why has high school Spanish failed so many students?      Let’s face it - foreign language failure is acceptable in America today. Yes, I know it’s a…

25 years later, if I'd had only known then?

I would like to share some of the lessons I have learned from others along the way regarding building a company and working with people.

CRM and increasing efficiencies

Customer relationship management (CRM) solutions are one measure that remodelers can incorporate in their business to “stop important things from falling through the cracks”

What high school theology taught me about Spanish.

  I attended a Catholic high school.        Nuns. Uniforms.  Morning prayers.  Mass injected into random school days.       And theology classes…

Thinking outside the bun (and the punchlist).

  Pop quiz!   Since we know you didn’t study, we’ll keep it brief. Only two questions, graded on the curve.   Ok, ok, ok… Yes. One of them can be…

Why Hispanics on your job don’t speak English… to you.

  People like to be recognized for their skills.     The holiday season, chock-full of family time, is a great atmosphere for positive recognition…

How stereotypes hinder effective communication… and clean cabinets.

  It was the typical Fourth Quarter Push.      We all knew the drill. Well, most of us did.            It was 2006, back before the meltdown. Back…

6 ‘Toll-isms’ to live by

“You Can Buy More Land in an Afternoon…   Than You Can Get Rid of in a Lifetime.” This simple home-building proverb sits framed, front and center,…
