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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Lupberger: Collaborate with Your Trade Partners

Marketing is a numbers game. The more people you can talk with, the more work you will sell.

Mark Richardson's Think Business: The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule is a way to recognize that there are those out there today dealing with the same environment and making it happen, and those that are not.

10 steps to mastering field quality – A positive indicator for a recovering industry

The 5th article in my series on Quality Management was just published by Professional Builder Magazine and appears concurrently on www.HousingZone.…

Facebook pages that work

Tips for creating a winning Facebook page

Anatomy of a tweet

7 tweets that work ... and why

Craig Durosko: Are your company?s problems internal or external?

The economy has presented many challenges, but it also has presented opportunities for people who are up for it.

25 remodelers who get social media

Companies that are successfully leveraging social marketing

to improve their businesses

Business groups join coalition challenging Arizona immigration law

A coalition of business and religious leaders and civil rights groups hope to stop Arizona from putting its tough immigration law into effect.

Mark Richardson on the future of the remodeling market

Cultivating strategic alliances and having a strong business acumen are among the keys to success for remodelers in the recovering market.

Lean Builder Blog: Do operations still matter on the West Coast?

I have spoken at PCBC, the big West Coast building conference most of the past 15 years and I always enjoy it. The event has been very well-run,…
