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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Progress in 1099 struggle as House passes repeal bill

The House passes repeal, but bill differs from Senate version, so no resolution yet

Exterior/Replacement Business: Lessons from marketing mistakes

When something goes wrong, our egos’ first defense is to blame somebody or something else for the failure. The same is true in business and in…

Focus on customer service pays dividends for remodelers

Tracking and improving customer satisfaction is more important than ever for remodelers to be successful

Six tax code changes to keep your eye on

The tax code changes every year as new laws are passed and new restrictions take effect. The rules on small businesses are especially volatile. Here are six changes and potential changes you need to know about for this year and beyond.

Stress-free remodeling: Using trade walkthroughs

The more details that can be discussed, clarified and understood before signing a construction contract, the better it is for both the homeowner and the contractor.

Freddie Mac: 46 Percent of Mortgage Refis 'Cash-in'

Cash-in rate for mortgages at record high, Freddie Mac says

Exclusive research: Uncertainty surrounds employee benefits

In exclusive Professional Remodeler research, remodelers talk about employee benefits

Craig Durosko: They said they hired someone cheaper ... Think again.

When someone makes a purchase, it has to have value to them and that value is based on what they are willing to pay for it.

Exclusive research: Financing challenges slowing remodeling recovery

The dearth of financing for remodeling projects continues to be a major problem for remodelers and most don’t expect it to get any better this year.

Finding and keeping a good remodeling sales team

More than ever, it’s important to build a good sales team. Professional Remodeler’s Jud Motsenbocker talked to Charlie Gindele and Andy Wells about how they do it.
