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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Design/build focused

Jackson Design and Remodeling keeps strong by sticking with what made them successful

Positive company culture pays off for remodelers

A positive culture leads not only to happy employees, but also a more successful business

Alure keeps growth strategy intact

Five years later, Professional Remodeler's 2005 Remodeler of the Year's diversified approach is paying dividends

Remodeling Companies that are Bucking the Trend

The last few years have been an unprecedented challenge for most remodeling firms. Some companies, though, have found a way to thrive. Professional Remodeler profiles six firms that are making it work.

An Update on Home Star (aka Cash for Caulkers)

The Home Star program — otherwise known as "Cash for Caulkers" — looks to be edging closer to reality.

New Opportunity to Showcase Energy Value in Existing Homes

In addition to new homes, the EnergyValue Housing Award (EVHA)  program will also provide an opportunity for builders and remodelers to showcase the energy-efficiency upgrades.

Remodelers expect lead paint rules to be major challenge

Remodelers are getting ready to deal with the challenges of the new EPA lead paint regulations.

The Looming Lead Liability

Remodelers need to get ready for the new lead paint laws

Getting the right close ratio for your remodeling sales

What percentage of leads should a remodeler close and how do you reach that close ratio? Two leading remodelers offer their advice.

What remodelers need to know about the new lead paint rules

The new lead paint regulations are set to take effect April 22, 2010, and that will mean a big change in the way many remodelers do business.
