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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


The Complete 2009 Market Leaders List

The Market Leaders list ranks the top companies in 20 top remodeling markets

Smart systems keep a high-speed, multi-company project on track

Dan and Barbara Strauss have great things to say about their Victorian house in suburban Connecticut and also about the process of remodeling it top to bottom.

Trade Secrets: Using tax credits to market your remodeling firm

Here are a few examples of how remodeling firms are using green tax credits to market their firms and satisfy customers

Atlanta Hit Hard by Downturn

Atlanta was recently named the third-emptiest city in the country by Forbes (behind only Las Vegas and Detroit), based on Atlanta's rising homeowner and rental vacancy rates. Here's what that means for remodelers.

Generating Remodeling Business Through Trade Referrals

Strite Design + Remodel has come up with a new program that encourages its trade contractors to refer more business.

Remodeler builds business with podcasts

Home improvement radio shows are an effective way for remodelers to market to new customers; using your Web site to partner with a TV station; offering "green" workshops

What Can You Recycle?

Much of the debris that remodelers throw away can be reused or recycled, saving money and our natural resources in the process.

Managing Customer Expectations

Do your customers always get what they want? Are they delighted with the finished project? Are they happy to recommend you? If they're not, this is a must read that will help you manage those expectations.

Trade Secrets

Team-building activities from Blue Canyon Construction in Washington state; Sage Homebuilders in St. Louis explains co-opetition and Feldco wins the Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.

Trade Secrets

Trade secrets from the remodeling industry
