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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Half of New Jersey’s $1.83 billion federal Sandy relief fund will go to homeowners, businesses

Of the $1.83 billion in federal recovery aid for New Jersey, half will be spent to assist homeowners and business owners whose properties were damaged during Hurricane Sandy.

Catalog ideas; don’t shoot them

Yesterday I attended a Construction and Safety Expo outside Chicago. General contractors, Sub-contractors and Safety Suppliers were dishing on their…

Remodeling recovery picking up steam

Robust spending on home improvement in the second half of 2012 suggests the remodeling recovery is already underway, and annual homeowner improvement spending should see accelerating double-digit growth through the third quarter of 2013, according to the Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity (LIRA).

Remodelers forecast a bright 2013

“Remodelers are indicating major growth in the future, with many saying that clients are feeling more stable in their financial future and their employment situations; therefore, they are spending more freely on remodeling needs,” says Tom O’Grady, CR, CKBR, chairman of NARI’s Strategic Planning & Research Committee and president of O’Grady Builders, based in Drexel Hill, Pa.

NARI keeps holiday spirits high for Sandy victims

East coast remodelers focus on rebuilding communities this holiday season.

Annual Listing of America's Top Remodelers 2012

Bullish outlook: Biggest remodelers see more growth in 2013

Housing’s virtuous circle

As an editor of one of the nation’s largest business publications covering home building, I’m frequently asked about the state of the housing market…

LIRA forecasts remodeling surge through end of 2012, into 2013

According to the latest release of the Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity (LIRA), homeowner spending on remodeling activity could be growing by double digits by 2013.

Project Spotlight: Come On In

Universal design makes remodeled house attractive, inviting, and accessible at last.

Lupberger: Collaborate with Your Trade Partners

Marketing is a numbers game. The more people you can talk with, the more work you will sell.
