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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Remodeling Forecast: Modest Recovery for 2010

Economists predict we've hit the bottom for remodeling and should see a market recovery in 2010

Materials Costs Skyrocket

There's no relief in sight for remodeling firms that have been hit hard by the increased cost of building materials, says economist Ken Simonson. Simonson, chief economist for the Associated General Contractors of America, said that some of the increases may level off as the housing market cools due to the highest mortgage interest rates in more than four years.

The Road to Referrals

Superior customer service is the number one way remodelers can (and should) differentiate themselves from inferior competition. In the ongoing battle for customers' trust and — ultimately — referrals, remodelers must distinguish themselves in everything from quality of materials and workmanship to the professionalism of sales personnel and work crews.

Built to Last

Brick: It exudes warmth, character, staying power. Brick often commands a higher resale value and naturally provides thermal mass, which offers some insulation. Under normal weather conditions, it could see a century or more of use, according to Brick Industry Association estimates. But for all its durability, brick is vulnerable to external factors that can decrease the lifespan of a brick hom...
