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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Quick Insights from the AAMA‘s Latest Forecast

Updates on residential windows, doors, and skylights

Improvement Spending By State

Are you working in the right state? 

The Real Effects of the Labor Shortage

The NAHB looks at how the labor shortage is hurting remodelers

Salvage, Recycle, Save Money, Save the World

Remodeler Steve Pallrand imparts invaluable insights on salvaging materials and saving his clients thousands, while saving the planet  

Harvard on Home Improvements

Four big takeaways every remodeler needs to know

Handing Over the Reins

You’re ready to sell part of your remodeling business, and an employee is interested in buying. But where do you start?

Taking On A Challenge

Increasing the size and price point of your projects can improve your company’s revenue and reputation

Preventing Lost Profits

Use these tips to increase margins in 2019 

The Industry's Inclination

Even in cases where a product has been around, the marketing has changed.

Show Me the Money

Use these tips to increase margins in 2019 
