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Target Practice To get the best results from your marketing efforts, begin by setting goals for your business's future. Your marketing plan can then be targeted at helping you meet those goals by reaching the right types of customers. During this process, ask yourself these two important questions: Who is my best current customer? Who else do I want to reach? Web Site 101 If your company still ...

By Staff May 31, 2005
This article first appeared in the PR June 2005 issue of Pro Remodeler.

The List
Create a Marketing Mix

Target Practice

To get the best results from your marketing efforts, begin by setting goals for your business's future. Your marketing plan can then be targeted at helping you meet those goals by reaching the right types of customers.

During this process, ask yourself these two important questions: Who is my best current customer? Who else do I want to reach?

Web Site 101

If your company still doesn't have a Web site, you could be missing out on qualified sales leads.

Not only does your presence on the Internet show prospective customers that your firm isn't some fly-by-night, amateur enterprise, numerous studies indicate that increasing numbers of consumers are relying on the World Wide Web to do research before they make purchasing decisions.

Creating a site that supports your sales efforts doesn't need to be an expensive or difficult proposition.

Design costs range from $300 for a single-page site to tens of thousands for multiple pages with lots of photos and graphics. Expect to pay between $20 and $75 per month for Web hosting, $50 to $75 in set-up fees and about $70 for a two-year domain registration.

Many companies (www.site-maker.com; www.pro-website-quotes.com; www.wilsonweb.com/packages/pkg-tabl.htm; and www.wmlewis.com are just a few) offer free telephone consultation to help you decide what features to include and how many pages you'd like your site to be. From there, they can give you an estimate for design, hosting, domain registration and site maintenance.


The List

8 values of greatest lifestyle importance to consumers
Privacy 83%
Quality 82%
Practicality/function 77%
Serenity 76%
Leisure 75%
Time savings 72%
Personal connection 72%
Simplification 70%
The 7 rooms that most represent who consumers really are
Master bedroom 75%
Living room 73%
Kitchen 67%
Family room 63%
Outdoor living area 61%
Master bathroom 60%
Dining room 52%
Source: 2005 "Remodeling the American Dream" study by Meredith Special Interest Publications and Yankelovich Partners Inc.

Create a Marketing Mix

The savviest remodeling companies don't rely on just one or two methods of marketing their business; they use multiple tactics and avenues at the same time to increase prospects' awareness of their benefit message and to create the appearance of being larger and more reputable than the competition.

The most effective way to get the most out of your marketing budget is to use a mixture of methods that support each other and overlap in a way that has a cumulative effect in the consumer's mind.

Here are some ideas to consider adding to your marketing strategy: newsletters, press releases, truck signs, radio ads, local newspapers (including service directories, display ads and insertions), direct mail pieces, home show booths, brochures, job site signs, house walks and door hangers.

To get maximum results, focus your efforts in the neighborhoods where your best customers have come from to increase your chances of generating the highest quality leads.

On-target ideas for improving your sales strategy

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