Kasper Custom Remodeling
Business approach: It’s all about the details. I’ve had 100% commission jobs in the past, both with a builder and at a design center. If I messed something up, I could be back charged for the error. That experience taught me to become incredibly detail-oriented.
For example, if I’m entering a homeowner’s product selection into Buildertrend, I won’t just cut and paste it from the company’s info. In many cases, there will be a lot of numbers and abbreviations that are hard to understand. Homeowners don’t know what all that means but often will approve it anyway. Then later there can be a problem. So now I break it down for them on there: Here is the brand, the specs, all of it. I don’t want any product entered that can’t be easily understood, even if you’re reading quickly. I also take very detailed notes when meeting with clients, and I save all of my paperwork. Having that documentation has helped me many times. I notate every meeting, who was there, and what was discussed.