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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


How Much? Price Conditioning in Remodeling

When today’s customer finally contacts your company, it’s not a sale, it’s a buying facilitation.

All-Inclusive: Equality in the Workplace

Eighty-one percent of women say they feel some form of exclusion at work; 92 percent of men don’t believe they’re excluding women.

Repercussions of the Skilled Labor Gap

Adam Grubb of SGC and Greg Wells of Bestbath discuss the current state of the building products industry and the effect that the shortage of skilled…

Growing Trends: Enhanced Reality

Microsoft HoloLens is partnering with Lowe's to incorporate augmented reality technology in remodeling demonstrations

6 Tips for Kitchen Cabinet Installation

Working in the proper sequence and allowing for humps and dips in floors and out-of-plumb walls are key to a problem-free job

Compliance: The Eyes Have It

Self-regulation as a solution to regulatory noncompliance

5 keys to being a good salesman by Jerry Jones

In 2008 the Dallas Cowboys were the featured team on HBO’s Hard Knocks. Hard Knocks is the reality documentary series that takes you behind the…

Design: Beyond the Triangle

Rather than be part of the “good enough” majority, why not make a push to move up? 

Early Drone Adopters Wait and See

Lack of clear rules continues to inhibit robotic aircraft use among home improvement companies

Perilous Prognostications

Who knows how the next year will play out, but these four issues are likely to affect most remodelers in 2016
