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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Change or Die

I was struck by the almost supernatural power of Twitter to influence a crowd, and how much that power has diminished in just five years  

A New Gold Standard

Negative assumptions about tradespeople are everywhere, from characters on TV to political comments

Belaboring the Point

To solve the labor problem, we need a concerted effort by contractors, educators, policy makers, and manufacturers

The Cutting Edge: After the Accident

<p>What happens after a table saw accident? Personal injury attorney Michael Cushing shares some courtroom expertise, and Illinois-based Thomas…

Accidents Happen: A Quick Guide to a Table Saw Worst-Case Scenario

Here are some tips on what to do immediately after a table saw injury, just in case.

A Question of Liability: Table Saws in the Courtroom

Court battles for table-saw related issues, such as flesh-sensor patents and lawsuits by injured table saw users, have been subject of legal controversy.

A Clean Cut: A Look Into Surgery for Table Saw Related Injuries

Fingers reattached at a good facility are 80 to 90 percent successful, but that doesn’t include all of the people who are not candidates for the surgery.

Our Magazine Redesign: Shiny and New

We’re introducing more points of view, large images, and a cool use of margin notes in every story

When Less Is More

Big-budget projects photograph well, but I’m more interested in the work that goes on behind the scenes

The Advantage of Having a Steady Flow of Money-Making Work

Find out what type of job makes the most money and focus on creating a steady flow of those kind of jobs, even if they aren't as glamorous as you'd like. The cash flow will provide a buffer for less profitable "glamor" jobs.
