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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


William S. “Bill” Marvin named to Northwest Minnesota's IDEA Hall of Fame

The woods, lakes and fields of Northwest Minnesota have nurtured an impressive array of business visionaries. Among the giants was the late William S. “Bill” Marvin, who built Marvin Windows and Doors from a small lumberyard into one of the world’s premier window and door manufacturers. Bill Marvin’s exemplary career was recognized on April 25 with induction into the IDEA Hall of Fame.

Lead paint lessons from The Brady Bunch

The Brady Bunch is a font of life lessons from the importance of compromise to why you should never lie to your parents to ... uh ... never walk out…

NARI names 25 winners in Contractor of the Year Awards

During its 2012 Evening of Excellence, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) named its winners in the Contractor of the Year Awards, which included 25 projects.

Lean Building Blog: What Lean isn’t

During an orientation recently with a room full of suppliers and trades for one of our “LeanPlan Workout” implementations, I was interrupted by a…

NARI elects new officers for 2012-2013

During the spring 2012 House of Delegates meeting, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) named immediate Past President Michael Hydeck, MCR, CKBR, of Hydeck Design Build in Telford, Pa., as its chairman of the board; Dean Herriges, MCR, CKBR of Urban Herriges & Sons Inc. in Mukwonago, Wis., was also elevated to the office of president.

Lean Design Blog: Authentic elevations and the salesperson’s story

I had the pleasure of meeting and having dinner with Charlie Scott the other night. Charlie owns a very successful national consulting firm called…

Lean Building Blog: Some of my best friends are architects and engineers — really!

They say a writer never “makes it” until he gets hate mail. In at least four blog posts this year, I have expressed my frustrations with architects…

21 kitchen and bath product innovations from KBIS 2012

The annual Kitchen and Bath Industry Show took place this week in Chicago, and HousingZone editors were there en masse to cover the latest trends and innovations in kitchen and bath design. Here are 21 product innovations (not ranked in any particular order) that caught our eye. Look for more K/BIS product introductions in the coming days.

Remodeling Market Index remains relatively flat in first quarter

Remodeling activity remained relatively flat in the first quarter of 2012, as the Remodeling Market Index (RMI) compiled by the National Association of Home Builders decreased one point to 47 from the upwardly revised 48 in the previous quarter.

Does your social media policy violate labor laws?

For the last couple of years I've been speaking to groups of remodelers about crafting a social media strategy for their firms and one of the things…
