

Matt Sciacca

Vice President New Jersey Siding & Windows, Randolph, N.J. Age: 39 Best Advice: Be honest and humble. Don’t be afraid to say, “We’re sorry. Our…

Nick Scabis

General Manager  Thompson Creek Window Company—Tidewater Branch, Chesapeake, Va. Age: 27 Innovative Product Offering: We are always innovating our…

Dan Asleson

President Peacock & Company, South Bend, Ind. 2018 Revenue:  $2.9 million Age: 39 Best Advice: I had a mentor once tell me that I’m a builder,…

Eric Koehler

Owner Southland Development Services, Atlanta, Ga. 2018 Revenue: $3.9 million Age: 40 Big Challenges: Picking clients and projects that fit well with…

John Hogan

President Blue Nail, Montville, N.J. 2018 Revenue: $1.7 million Age: 27 Roofing’s New “It” Thing: Drones are a big step forward in roofing. When they…

Hilson Merrill

President Merrill Construction Group, Nashville, Tenn. 2018 Revenue: $2.1 million Age: 36 Attracting Millennials: The truth is, millennials want to…

Michael Gardner

Principal  Luxus Design-Build, Henderson, Nev.  2018 Revenue: $6.2 million Age: 40 Project Trend Watch: We’re seeing smaller spaces and more…

Nick Sandifer

President Sandifer Custom Homes, Jacksonville, Fla.  2018 Revenue: $2.9 million Age: 38 Industry Trend Watch: In December and January, people were…

Adam Shampaine

CEO Homefix Custom Remodeling, Baltimore, Md. 2018 Revenue: $76.6 million Age: 39 Big Marketing Trend: It’s amazing how important social media has…

Steven Overstreet

President S.J. Overstreet Construction Company, Boston, Mass. 2018 Revenue: $4 million Age: 38 Biggest Challenge: One of the challenges I face in my…
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