

HVAC: How to Clean Out a Condensate Line

  It's not as easy as it looks, but with warm weather on the way, it's essential to keepingthe AC system running smoothly. Building science expert…

Sales: The Hunter/Farmer Paradigm is Dead

A psychotherapist named Thom Hartmann proposed a farmer/hunter metaphor to describe types of people, which some companies used as a guideline for…

Legal: Worker Misclassification Under Greater Scrutiny

worker misclassification is suddenly in the spotlight due to a couple of high-profile cases involving government contracts

Climate: Solar-Power “Water ATM” Allows Governments to Monitor Water in Drought Areas

A project underway in drought-stricken Pakistan will allow the public to purchase fresh water through ATM-like machines. These machines are…

OSHA Releases New Regulation on Confined Spaces in Construction

In the beginning of May, OSHA announced rules for construction workers in confined spaces, which will take effect August 3, 2015. The final rule …

Sales: How to Avoid Giving Free Consultations

During the sales process, remodelers often want to demonstrate their know-how and end up giving free consultations, without understanding the…

Safety: Is 'Distracted Walking' Coming to the Jobsite?

It seems inevitable that this trend in cell phone-related accidents will extend to the jobsite

Productivity: 4 Rituals to Keep You Happy All the Time

One of the best remedies for stress is gratitude. The blogger behind critically acclaimed, science-backed “awesomeness” blog, Bakadesuyo,gives you…

Sales: The Three Biggest Challenges of Today’s Sales Reps

Many companies haven’t changed their sales approach from before the age of the Internet. Today’s customers can spend hours of research to get a…

Marketing: 10 Things You Are Not Doing in Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great tool to look at data about your website, but there’s a high chance that there is still more you can learn from itthat you…
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