

Building Science: Continuous Insulation and Punched Openings for Walls and Windows

Building science expert Joseph Lstiburek discusses the physics of a continuous water, air, vapor, and heat control layer between walls and windows.…

Energy: The Bladeless Future of Wind Power

Building designers usually want to avoid vorticity, which Wired defines as an “aerodynamic effect that produces a pattern of spinning vortices.” But…

Design: Houzz Reviews the Latest Door Trends

In the words of Houzz contributor Laura Gaskill, “a just-right front door or interior door is a finishing touch that can really make a home sing.”…

Productivity: How Contractors Can Make Sure Payroll Taxes Are Paid on Time

Many contractors get nervous about missing payments or filling forms late. Guest blogger Melanie Hodgdon shares one very simple, “in your face” tip.…

Safety: Fall Protection Violations Continues to Top OSHA’s Most Cited List

According to contractor business coach Mark Paskell, a chat with the head of OSHA Construction revealed that fall protection violations are still the…

Building Science: Avoid More Work by Getting Your Building Enclosure Design Right

Building science expert Allison Bailes gives tips on how to save yourself from doing more work to block and seal air

Marketing: Clickbait Phrases Don’t Work with Email Marketing

Here’s a useful tip for planning email marketing campaigns: don’t use the words “shocking” or “secret of” in the subject line. A study by data…

Legal: Be Careful with Your Locker-Room Banter

A court case in Southeast Louisiana 10 years ago involving a construction company set a new precedent that protects employees harassed based on…

Management: Game Theory for Everyday Decisions

Should you take that risk? Should you pay that much money? Everyday decisions can feel like a gamble. So why not hear what casino pros have to say…

Pushing Value for the Customer’s Own Good

Many remodelers are familiar with the scenario of a homeowner who wants to cut corners to cut costs, but ends up paying more in repairs than they…
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