

Sales: Training a Remodeling Sales Team

Tired of handling remodeling sales on your own? Here are some tips on how to start and train a sales team.

Action 9 Investigates Roofing Contractor

They can’t sell the house because of a roofer’s incompetence, and the roofer refuses to fix it. A story like this lives forever online, which is how…

7 Bad Marketing Habits You Should Quit in 2015

Marketing pros who know their stuff plan to the last detail and test rather than go by assumptions. Read more

5 Alternatives to Cash Bonuses That Will Show You Care

Handing out bonus money may elicit a warm and genuine thank you but there are other ways to reward employee behavior that go further and deeper. Read…

Asphalt Shingle Recycling: From Roof to Road

What do roofers do with all their asphalt shingle tear-off if the landfill closes?

Technology Innovations Remodelers Can Look Forward To

These nifty tools and tech advancements may help you in planning, bidding, and more

Non-Compete? Not That Simple

Without key protections in place, a determined competitor can hire away your star employees and help himself to your company’s proprietary assets. Here’s how to prevent it

Marketing: More Ways to Use Photographs in Your Marketing

Project photos send a powerful message. Here are six ways to use them in your marketing

Fantastic Finish: Minnesota Outdoor Living Project Has It All

The serene finished product you see here doesn’t even hint at the legwork that went into correcting site issues and updating failing structures—and that’s just as it should be

Our PRIME Advisory Panel Weighs in on Supplier Relationships

Professional Remodeler's PRIME advisory board offers opinions on supplier relationships

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