

Remodeled Kitchen Costs Surprisingly Little

Remodelers create luxurious kitchen with more bang for the buck

Young Leaders of the Remodeling Industry

Meet twelve 40-and-under remodelers who are shaping the future of the industry

Future Vision of Our Young Leaders

We asked our Young Leaders what they see as the biggest changes coming down the line for the remodeling industry.

Buy or Lease Your Building?

What would make a remodeler buy a building instead of leasing?

D.C. Remodeling Market Down, But Stronger Than Others

Remodeling project sizes decrease in current economy

Basic Survival Tactics for the Remodeler

Remodeling expenditures are down more than 10 percent, and most remodelers are struggling to maintain sales volumes and margins. Survival has become a major issue for many companies.


Remodelers need to think through all changes in overhead and staffing to survive the worst case, it will force you to deal with your fear and your budget.

Closing the books on 2008

Predictions by both the Joint Center for Housing Studies Remodeling Futures Program and NAHB are for another year of decreasing revenue, but national forecasts have little bearing on the course you should map out for your business.

The Beauty of Green Design

All designers and architects know that style and substance are not mutually exclusive, but in the specific realm of green design, the focus for most remodeling firms is on the building science component of green.

Hiring a Business Coach

A business coach can help your remodeling business and personal life run more smoothly.

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