

Fitting the Bill

An estimate came in at more than double what the client had planned — but, in the end, reworked the project to fit a price range they could afford. By itemizing the estimate and broadening design and finish choices, the clients were able to pick and choose priorities and make other adjustments to bring the project within budget.

To Tour or Not to Tour?

What better way to showcase your work and market to future clients than to let them visit some of your success stories. Home tours can accomplish that and more.

A Doctor in the House

Much like a doctor diagnosing a patient's illness, remodeler Michael Lotesto makes house calls ready to treat a home. His specialty: energy-efficiency and building performance. First, he listens to the owner to find out the house's symptoms and runs tests to diagnose the problems. Then he treats the home and even performs a follow-up checkup.

CAPS Program Flying High

The CAPS program is designed to teach strategies and techniques for designing and building aesthetically enriching, barrier-free living environments.

Student of Business and Life

The most successful people I know in business and life are continuously learning. As leaders, when any of us stops learning and growing, so will our business.

Editor's Letter: Questions & Answers

Professional Remodeler Editor in Chief Michael Morris responds to important questions received from readers.

Low-Maintenance Lifestyle Drives Decking Market

Variation in climate and conditions, lot size and zoning restrictions make it difficult to normalize decking trends; however, one driving force in all markets is maintenance.

Private Screening

The same way a thoughtfully chosen frame enhances a work of art, the landscaping that surrounds this spec-built luxury ranch creates a lush, secluded setting for this Wallace Neff-inspired beauty in Irvine, Calif.

Timesaving Deck-Building Tips

The stay-at-home trend coupled with the home-improvement boom continues to bode well for contractors who specialize in deck building and outdoor living areas. One way to operate the most profitable business possible is to implement highly efficient systems.

Aging in Place Opportunities

As America's population ages, especially the large baby boomer generation, the opportunities for remodeling projects suited to their changing needs grows. Contributing Editor Tom Swartz asks two industry professionals their opinion on how to make the most of the growing market.

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