

Five Easy Ceases

We’re well into the new year now, and most of us have seen our New Year’s resolutions dissolve. It’s not too late, though, to make changes to your company that can have almost immediate impact for very little investment. Four experienced remodelers off...

Lessons Learned

One milestone that I’d like you to celebrate with me: the fifth anniversary of Professional Remodeler. Together with our readers and advertisers, PR celebrated a second, more significant milestone last month at the International Builders’ Show: the 25t...

Diversify and Conquer

The logic behind diversifying from one part of the housing sector to another is to provide other opportunities for cash flow, regardless of how the economy as a whole is performing. If, for example, a downturn dramatically reduces custom high-end remod...

Boston Uncommon

Lee Kimball Kitchens of Boston was converting to the lead carpenter system in early 2000 when the company started working with John and Georgia Saylor on a kitchen remodel. Before that, Gregg Johnson, the company’s co-owner and vice president, was one ...

Cyber Leads

Not too long ago, Internet referral and lead-generation services looked like a bold new world for remodeling. But as with all things Internet, there has been a big shakeout during the past two years. Some companies have folded; healthier competitors ha...

Light for Older Eyes

Most people accept that their sight will worsen as they age, but they might not realize it’s more than needing reading glasses at age 40.

Accounting for Those Tools

One way to keep tools from 'walking off' the job site is to assign each tool to one employee, says security expert Roger Schmedlen of Loss Prevention Concepts Ltd. (Farmington Hills, Mich.). He says that making individuals responsible for particular it...

Marketing That Pops

Marketing is about using money to help sustain and grow your business. Many marketing tactics can make your marketing dollars work harder for you and help you compete profitably. If you can’t spend $50,000, don’t let that keep you from developing and i...

How Much to Pay Yourself

What’s a fair salary for the work you do? How much should you be rewarded for the risks you take as an owner? The Remodelers Compensation Study, now available from the NAHB, can help you answer those sticky questions.

Showing Off the Job

The most beautiful cabinets, the most elegant accents and the loveliest hardwood will go unappreciated without enough light to see them. Conversely, even stock cabinetry, off-the-shelf accessories and faux-finished floors can look great with dramatic, ...

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