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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Sales: Practice How You Play

Practice makes perfect, but it has to be the right kind of practice, says home improvement sales trainer Rodney Webb

Sales: Consultative Seller or Scientist?

The concept of "consultative selling" is often misunderstood by salespeople. Sandler sales trainer Chip Doyle thinks it's less about giving advice…

El Nino Promises Too Much Work, Not Enough Time for Roofers

The phones are ringing again at California’s 6,000 or so roofing companies, as weather systems launched by El Nino are set to drench the Golden State

Will That Be Cash, Check, or Credit?

Many home improvement contractors don’t like dealing with credit cards. But the reality is: those contractors are bucking a major trend in the way people pay


Visitors to Your Web Site vs. Visitors from Within Your Marketing Territory

One of the most common statistics that I see home improvement companies rely on is visitors to their Web site. The thought is “Visits are up! Our Web site must be doing great!”

Price Conditioning: Selling Your Remodeling Services to Inexperienced Prospects

A remodeling project is something many homeowners have no experience buying , so it is much harder to sell than a product or service they have…

The Advantage of Having a Steady Flow of Money-Making Work

Find out what type of job makes the most money and focus on creating a steady flow of those kind of jobs, even if they aren't as glamorous as you'd like. The cash flow will provide a buffer for less profitable "glamor" jobs.

Buyers Spend More for Homes with Green Features

Homebuyers are willing to pay more for energy-efficient homes, according to a study of 64 homes in the Washington, D.C. metro area. The "paired…

Bragging Rights: Is Close Rate a Meaningful Metric?

When it comes to sales success, company owners and salespeople often define it in different ways, making "close rate" a slippery metric

Remodeling Companies That Use Their Showroom as a Sales Tool

We talked with remodelers about what it takes to build, maintain, and operate a showroom, and how it fits into the way they do business
