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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Home Improvement Companies Divided on Response to Millennials

Millennial homeowners are relatively few and far between for the moment. But they want to be sold on their terms

Exterior Replacement: Can Installers Actually Sell?

Companies that have rolled the dice on installers seeking sales positions find it can pay-off big time, if managers know what to do


Will You Win or Lose in the New Marketplace?

The world is changing fast, and customers are changing with it. How well you adapt will determine whether you win or lose in the new marketplace.


Existing Home Sales Boom Reaches 5.5-Year High

First-time buyers stepped up their purchases and sellers put more homes on the market this past month, pushing existing homes sales to reach their…

No Need to Compare Contractor Markups

According to remodeling business coach Shawn McCadden, comparing contractor markups can be pointless and very risky. “The decision about what costs…

Sales: When Handling Objections, Less Is More

When it comes to dealing with objections, what you say isn’t all that matters, when you say it is also key to success. Sales people often want to…

A Backstory Is a Remodeler’s Great Advantage in Sales

Learning about a potential client’s backstory is key to sales success

Effective Sales Motivators

Give your sales team a boost with these tips to motivate

Why Sales Shouldn't Include Selling

Most sales departments are fixated on selling. That's a problem.
