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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Michael E. Gerber: When it gets steamy on the homefront

Thinking strategically becomes warped by thinking of everything you?ve got to get done.

Wolf releases KBI for August 2013

The August KBI score of 53.33, while still positive, reflects a slight drop from the July KBI of 59.33.

Remodeler confidence rebounds in second quarter

RMI future market results are promising. Not only do remodelers have projects booked for the next few months, but they also have more work coming in the door.

Wolf releases KBI for July 2013

Drop reflects traditional seasonal slowdown; Northeast registers slight decrease in confidence

Defining price objection

Develop a system to isolate what is in the way of the prospect buying.

Michael E. Gerber: When function trumps form

To achieve a measure of differentiation that really works, how you do what you do is equally important, and in many cases more so, than the actual deliverable it produces. I know that sounds absurd on the face of it, but think about it.

David Lupberger: It's about customer engagement

By extending homeowner relationships, you can introduce a recurring revenue model, building future equity in your company. A client-for-life business model builds company equity.

Mark Richardson: Make it visual

Your biggest competition today is your prospect making the right decisions and choices. They have been sitting on the sideline so long that the level of pent-up demand is very high. Meanwhile, the proliferation of products and choices has many homeowners paralyzed.

Remodeling franchises branching out

Offering a brand and a track record, remodeling dealerships and franchises prove to be an attractive opportunity for many home improvement professionals.

Buy it now book recommendation: Ctrl Alt Delete by Mitch Joel

  I’ve been enjoying the Chicago Blackhawks run to the Stanley Cup Finals. I went to a party last week where a friend, Bobby Krueger, owner of MAVREK…
